serves a four years sentence at the D.Duck Institute
graduates almost cum laude, 1992, Economic Frontrunning
survives the complete Lucy in the sky with diamonds
sets up an army of cartooncharacters, 2000
runs for president in 2002
launches his first atomic paperbomb, 2005
Nobel-prized for his best-seller: A world without people, 2010
now lives a retired life with pencil and paper
Recent Matters:
Omdat Genade geen Honger Stillt, roman
Huize Venedal, 2018
Museum Thijnhof,2018
Wonderrijck Natura Docet, Denekamp, 2020
Rubbernecking, music album
Ruimte voor Kunst, expo Natuur, Möllerwerf Hengelo, 2022
Where does Ronnie sleep, music single
Ruimte voor Kunst, expo Duisternis, Hengelo 2023
STICK MAGAZINE vanaf 2024 elk seizoen
STICK Gallery; kunstgalerie